Six Podcasts You Should Listen To
There's always something going on with cybersecurity and the best way to stay up to date is with a good podcast.

There's always something going on with cybersecurity, there's new data breaches, new hacking methods, new software vulnerabilities and the list goes on and on. Approximately there is a new hack happening every 39 seconds! Trying to stay onto of all of this news is almost impossible, especially if you try to do it by yourself. This is why podcasts are important for a cybersecurity professional, they do the leg work of finding the most important cybersecurity issues and bring the information to you, sometimes on a daily basis.
If you work in security it's definitely to you benefit to find 2 or 3 podcasts that you enjoy and stay ahead of the trends in the industry on behalf of your company/clients. Here are a list of 5 podcasts that you can start your search with:
Daily StormCast
Stormcast is produced by Sans institute, which is a private company in the US that specializes in cybersecurity training. They are well known for their incident response and computer forensics training in particular. SANS stands for SysAdmin, Audit, Network and Security. Their cybersecurity podcasts are daily 5-10 minute information security threat updates produced every work day in the late afternoon so they are ready in time for people's morning commute. You can find the full list of episodes here.
Cybersecurity Headlines
Cybersecurity headlines is produced by CISO series. It is another short format daily podcast that produces daily content in 5-7 minute episodes. Each show includes 8-10 headlines with short descriptions and links to the original stories. Here you can find a link to all of the episodes and the authors of the podcast.
Cyberwire Daily
This podcast has daily snippets of 5-10 minutes series created daily. In addition to traditional news reporting throughout the week, it also features interviews from security experts across the areas of industry, academia, and research organizations all over the world on their research saturday podcasts. It can be found on the following platforms:

Hacking Humans
This is a weekly security podcast focuses on the social engineering aspect of cybersecurity. It looks a recent social engineering scams, phishing scams and the impact is has had on organizations around the world. You can find the episode list here.
Darknet Diaries
This podcast is less frequent than others in this list but focuses on a very niche area. It focuses on stories about hackers, malware, botnets, cryptography, cryptocurrency, cybercrime, and Internet privacy. It's headline is "True stories from the dark side of the Internet". If you're like me and you're more interested in conspiracy theories, well kept secrets and how things work behind the scenes of the public eye, I think you would enjoy checking out this podcast. Here you can find a link to their website.
Many Hats Club
Finally, and not forgetting our sister community, we have the Many Hats Club podcast which features stories from a wide range of Infosec people (Whitehat, Greyhat and Blackhat), Topics include Hacking, Social Engineering, defense and more and hosted by CyberSecStu.
Final Thoughts
Podcasts are a great way to keep up with the latest trends in the industry and will save you a huge amount of time on researching all of the news yourself. Most podcasts are completely free and provide the information in short sessions of less than 10 minutes, which you can listen to in the car, on the train, during a workout etc. I've presented 5 podcasts that I think are good strating points but feel free to expand on this list and find other podcasts that meet your exact interests so you can teach yourself a little bit more everyday.
About The Art Used In This Article
The awesome artwork used in this article is the work of Zaki Abdelmounim. He is a 25-year-old Moroccan 3D generalist living in Qatar and working in the TV industry. This project is called Hardcoding:Redshift Study, Zaki started the project after watching the movie Chappie, he really liked the concept of the command chair that was done by George Hull, and wanted to recreate something similar in 3D for the sake of practice and fun, resulting in what we think is the worlds best hacker desk design. Learn more about this project here.