Get Ready For BEER CON ONE #BC1
The closest infosec will ever get to a live telethon will be at BeerCon One when the Beer Farmers hold their podcast charity event.

The closest infosec will ever get to a live telethon will be at Beer Con One when the Beer Farmers hold their podcast marathon charity event, hosted by The Many Hats Club on the 7th of December in support of the Mental Health Hackers and the EFF.
In a world full of very serious infosec people the Beer Farmers offer a welcome respite with their unique brand of comedy, security, rock and beer. On December the 7th 2019 they will be hosting a marathon twelve hour podcast charity event featuring some of the biggest names in infosec making special guest appearances.
Who Are The Beer Farmers?
The Beer Farmers are the hottest rock band to ever rock infosec and they exist to make the internet a nicer place. They have been around since the mid-1970s and originally formed as a result of a bad experience Mike had at a security conference in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, an experience involving extraction from the country aided by Ian's military expertise and from there the bond was formed between the two.
Some time after these events the band discovered John, Sean and Andy busking in downtown LA and immediately recruited them into the group. During a week long beer drinking bender in Amsterdam that none of them remember, they released their first record 'Here For You', a motto which has stuck with the band ever since.
What Is Beer Con One?
Beer Con One (BC1) is the biggest event in the infosec calendar this year if you don't count real infosec conferences and is sort of like a Live Aid, but with infosec rockstars instead of actual rockstars. BC1 will broadcast live on The Many Hats Club podcast for twelve hours and almost certainly involve a lot of beer being drunk. The important thing to remember is that it is all in the name of charity and that they have some of the biggest names in infosec appearing as special guests to talk on the show.
The whole event is for charity and all proceeds will go to support the Mental Health Hackers and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, you can get involved and help support Beer Con One by clicking on the link below and donating to the event!

Who Is Appearing On Beer Con One?
The Beer Farmers have assembled a star studded list of infosec celebrities to speak during the event and are busy scheduling them into the 12 hour session.
Anyone who is anyone in infosec will be appearing as special guests during the event and the list of attendees features some of the brightest and best in infosec, give all of these people a follow if you don't already, its a fantastic list of people!
@ElJefeDSecurIT, @figjam, @frootware, @FVT, @Gabsmashh, @gattaca, @gcluley, @guisebule, @hackerfantastic, @HackingDave, @InfoSecSherpa, @InfoSystir, @Jake_Cyber, @jaysonstreet, @Jenny_Radcliffe, @jimmychappell, @joepettit2, @joshcorman, @k8em0, @kim_crawley, @___Sh4rk___, @_Freakyclown_, @3ncr1pt3d, @a8n_pub, @aloria, @AlyssaM_InfoSec, @AngusRedBlue, @BadassBowden, @barsteward, @BeckyPinkard, @BentleyAudrey, @brianwhelton, @Ch33r10, @ChloeMessdaghi, @CircuitSwan, @cybergeekgirl, @CyberGoGiver, @cyberharibu, @DanielGDresner, @DanRaywood, @davewj, @drjessicabarker, @Krenner, @LisaForteUK, @MalwareJake, @Ma_15702265146, @marcusjcarey, @maxsec, @medic642, @Ministraitor, @mzbat, @notameadow, @PhilipIngMBE, @rag_sec, @RayRedacted, @RMGirlUK, @RoseSecOps, @sailingbikeruk, @samehysabry, @ScottMcGready, @scriptjunkie1, @SecEvangelism, @secitup, @shehackspurple, @SPCoulson, @StuHirstInfoSec, @Teddybreath, @TheCyberViking, @thekenmunroshow, @TinehAgent, @Tjcmorgan, @troyhunt, @UK_Daniel_Card, @UKZak, @w1bble, @Waithanjeri, @wayward710, @WhiteHatScum and @wondersmith_rae.
How Can you Tune In?
Beer Con One will be be held in the Many Hats Club discord channel, if you want to listen in on the day head on over to their invite page and join their discord!