DeTy: A Website For The Missing People Of Ukraine
De Ty? Де Ти? Where Are You? Volunteers from the infosec space built a website for the missing people of Ukraine.

There are close to two million people displaced in Ukraine, countless families have been separated from their loved ones by the conflict. At the request of the IT Army of Ukraine we built, a website to make it easy for families to find their missing loved ones.
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How It Began
We were asked by the IT Army Of Ukraine if we could put together a website to help Ukrainians find their lost loved ones so we jumped at the chance, how could we not? Out of the darkness, volunteering their services, a group of heroes emerged into the light, they wanted to help and suddenly they had a mission from God.
Led by 10x Coder David Tran-Dinh, guided by the Boss of Product Managers Chris LeGant, secured by the expert CISO services of Charlie Cranfield and the mysterious hacker known as Andrea Menin(theMiddle), faciliated by operationally smooth operators like Kate Larson, Sophie Missenden, Ryan Miller and Andrea Barracu, we became a team that lived together, ate together and vibed together for 72 straight hours.
Where We At?
We launched v1 in 72 hours and we built it to be ugly, strong, secure and fast! Engineers don't care about the way things look and neither should you as long as it works, but believe me dear reader we will become more handsome as we age.
I asked legendary DeTy CTO David Tran-Dinh what his thinking was and he told me that "our priorities were to make DeTy load FAST with minimal bandwidth and battery usage, we wanted it to be secure, and we wanted it work on any kind of device so we're using secure websockets, a responsive layout, C++ and we just went ahead and optimized vanilla javascript because libraries bloat our code."
David went on to say "We make really efficient use of WebSockets, taking the Websockets route means we minimized the traffic to and from the site by only sending the bits and bytes that we need, with no unnecessary overhead".
David went on to say:
We take pride in the fact that you only need 35kb of data to load the full site. was built to be efficient and load quickly on any device over low speed, high latency internet connections. It takes Just 34.6kb to load the whole site and when you run a search just 36 bytes are sent to the server, the server replies with just 7 bytes, meaning that DeTy requires just 43 bytes per search. That's fast!
A miraculous feat engineered by champions who worked tirelessley and asked for nothing. Dear reader, believe me when I tell you that these are fine humans.
Secret special thanks to those who host and protect us.
What You Need?
We URGENTLY need to spread news of DeTy to those who are missing loved ones and those who are missing! We have people signing up as missing thick and fast, but their loves ones have been displaced and do not know to look for them at !! Please spread the news, please help us get the message out that the missing of Ukraine have not been forgotten. Any way you can, whichever way works works.
We are geeks, hackers, coders and scoundrels, but we are not experienced social media operators, public relations specialists, professional graphic designers or illustrators, but IF YOU ARE then DeTy needs YOU so come join us!
Step up. Get cape, wear cape, FLY.
We believe in you, we are proud of you and together apes strong.
Contact us on Twitter, our DMs are open!
If you want to help another way please buy us a coffee!
** This page will be updated as we have more to tell you about DeTy **