Infosec Writers Contest
Sharpen your pencils and scribble up a storm, you have 3 weeks to submit an article and enter our $1000 writing contest.

Sharpen your pencils and scribble up a storm, you have 2 weeks to submit an article and enter our cash contest.
Contest Period
August 21, 2018 12:00 UTC to September 11, 2018 12:00 UTC
1st Prize: $500
2nd Prize: $200
3rd Prize: $200
Runner Up: $100
Prizes courtesy of @GrahamPenrose2 and @CommsLock.
Winners will be announced after September 18, 2018 12:00 UTC.
Writing Contest Topics
- Secure Communications and Encrypted Communications - What's the Difference?
Many consumer messaging applications offer some level of encryption, but is this enough for large organizations and governments? Is there more to security than just encryption, and what would a secure communications solution have to take into account?
- Open-Source vs Closed-Source Encryption for Messaging Apps
This is a frequent area of discussion when discussing secure communications. The brief is for a research piece around the pros and cons of the different approaches.
- Cybersecurity Requirements in a Challenging or Vulnerable Working Environment
This should be an informative article analyzing an industry or domain of choice, which operates within a sensitive or compromised infrastructure environment (government, military, crime intelligence, law enforcement, etc.). The approaches that these types of organizations take should be different to most enterprise security. What approaches should these organizations take, and are cloud based solutions or on-premise options more advantageous?
- Mobile Interception - Myth To Normality
The threat of mobile communication interception is prevalent in the modern business world. With easy access to 'Sting Rays' and honey pot style access points, intercepting individual communications can be relatively easily. What have been the key trends in shift and how can enterprises/consumers protect themselves.
Writing Contest Rules
- 1000 word minimum entry.
- Entries must cover one topic!
- Winners chosen based on article pageviews + social signals.
- Final decision goes to @GrahamPenrose2.
- No purchase necessary.
Good luck Secjuice writers!
Main Image Credit : The awesome piece of artwork used to head this article is called 'NZ WINNERS' and it was created by graphic designer Michael Szeto.