INFOSEC The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill An analysis of the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill and the repercussions of it being passed into legislation.
INFOSEC How to Test your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan Testing is an essential part of cybersecurity business continuity and disaster recovery planning. Until you test your plans, all you have is theory.
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 44 Welcome to 44th edition of the Secjuice Squeeze, a curated selection of security articles and infosec news that you may have missed.
INFOSEC How To Handle The Media During A Cybersecurity Breach One of the issues businesses face during a data breach is media obligations and how best to deal with communicating with the media.
INFOSEC Lying About Your Secret Security Answers is Not Lying "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." - Winston Churchill.
INFOSEC Improve Your Security Posture With An AI-Assisted Incident Response Platform A brief guide to the notion of AI-assisted incident and response platforms.
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 43 Welcome to the Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting security articles and infosec news that you may have missed, lovingly curated weekly.
INFOSEC What To Do When You Are Ddosed Offline While Gaming Getting “booted” is a common term for someone kicking you off an online game by attacking your internet connection.
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 42 Welcome to the Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting security articles and infosec news that you may have missed, lovingly curated weekly.
INFOSEC A Journalist's Guide to Online Anonymity and Secure Communications It’s important for a journalist to be able to protect the confidentiality of their sources as well as their own online presence at times. In many cases, you will be publishing information that other people don’t want to be public.
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 41 Welcome to the Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting security articles and infosec news that you may have missed, lovingly curated weekly.
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 40 Welcome to the Secjuice Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting infosec articles and news that you may have missed. Now with upcoming events!
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 39 Welcome to the Secjuice Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting infosec articles and news that you may have missed. Now with upcoming events!
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 38 Welcome to the Secjuice Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting infosec articles and news that you may have missed. Now with upcoming events!
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 37 Welcome to the Secjuice Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting infosec articles and news that you may have missed. Now with upcoming events!
INFOSEC EncroChat - Another Sad Day for Privacy & Encryption Let's discuss the privacy and encryption concerns related to the new EncroChat provider.
INFOSEC Windows 10 as a pentest OS Well, you might be surprised, especially if you're a die-hard GNU/Linux user like me, that you can actually use Windows 10 as a penetration testing operating system!
INFOSEC Advanced boolean-based SQLi filter bypass techniques Learn how to bypass filters and Application Firewall rules using MySQL String Functions, Regex Functions, Conditional Select and Set Variables to exploit a blind (boolean-based) SQL Injection vulnerability.
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 36 Welcome to the Secjuice Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting infosec articles and news that you may have missed. Now with upcoming events!
INFOSEC Risk Management Framework (RMF) Can Help You Develop A Secure System An overview of the Risk Management Framework (RMF) and its components.
CYBERSEC AWS CDK vs Serverless Framework Let's compare Serverless Framework and AWS CDK for framework ease of use, extensibility, and security.
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 35 Welcome to the Secjuice Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting infosec articles and news that you may have missed. Now with upcoming events!
INFOSEC Deep Learning & Cybersecurity: Part 3 of 5 - Data Gathering Part 3 of our Cyber Deep Learning series where we talk about the most crucial part of any machine learning project: Data Gathering.
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 34 Welcome to the Secjuice Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting infosec articles and news that you may have missed. Now with upcoming events!
INFOSEC Secjuice Squeeze Volume 33 Welcome to the Secjuice Squeeze, a curated selection of interesting infosec articles and news that you may have missed. Now with upcoming events!